Luffa Seifenständer

Luffa-Schwämme, auch bekannt als Loofah-Schwämme oder Gemüseschwämme, sind natürliche Reinigungs- und Peeling-Werkzeuge, die aus dem faserigen Skelett reifer Luffa-Kalebassen gewonnen werden, wissenschaftlich bekannt als Luffa aegyptiaca oder Luffa cylindrica.

Durch die Verwendung eines feinen Luffa-Seifenkissens können Sie die Lebensdauer Ihrer festen Seifen oder Shampoo-Bars verlängern, indem sie trocken gehalten werden und ein Verschmieren oder Zerfallen verhindert wird.

  • Feines Luffa-Seifenkissen
  • Maße: ca. 8 x 10 cm
  • 100% natural plant sponge
  • Stitched with 100% cotton

To effectively use a fine loofah soap cushion that keeps solid soaps or shampoos dry and enhances their usage, follow these steps:

  1. Wet the soap cushion: Before placing your solid soap or shampoo bar on the loofah soap cushion, wet it under running water for a few seconds. This will activate the cushion and prepare it for use.
  2. Place the soap or shampoo bar: Gently place your wet soap or shampoo bar onto the loofah soap cushion. Ensure it is centered and resting securely on the cushion.
  3. Allow for drainage: The fine loofah material of the soap cushion is designed to allow for proper drainage and air circulation. Place the cushion in a dry area of your bathroom or shower where it can fully dry between uses. This will prevent the soap or shampoo bar from becoming soft or mushy.
  4. Use the soap or shampoo: When you're ready to use the soap or shampoo, simply pick it up from the soap cushion. The loofah material will have helped keep the bar dry, ensuring it lasts longer and is easier to handle during use.