12 simple ways to save water

12 simple ways to save water

Despite the fact that as much as 70% of the surface of our planet is covered by oceans, seas and rivers, in fact only 2.5% is fresh water, and about 1% - fit for consumption. [1] According to statistics and information from the Central Statistical Office, the average Pole consumes up to 100 liters of water per day. This data do not take into account the water used for the production of standard cleaning products. Their composition is mainly irritating detergents packed in a plastic bottle. Therefore, you should use a lot of water to rinse it well from the cleaned surfaces. By using Bethru products with planet-friendly composition, you care not only about your home, but also about the environment. Bethru products allow you to save water and effectively reduce plastic. These perhaps small steps for you are of great importance to our planet.

Why save water? Because it is useful for consumption, there is less and less, which is alarmed by scientists. However, there are a few simple ways to save water that you can implement in everyday life today.


Install perlator.

What is it? A strainer-shaped strainer aerating a stream of water, which is mounted at the outlet of the tap. This small device costing few dozen Euros will save up to 80% of water when washing hands or washing dishes.


Choose a shower instead of a bath in a bathtub.

How to save water during everyday activities? The easiest way is to choose a shower instead of a bath. A standard shower handset allows about 6-9 liters of water to flow per minute, a rain shower drains 3 liters of water more. In turn, the bath, which will fit in a medium-sized bathroom, has a capacity of about 130-150 liters. This means that a 10-minute rain shower can generate similar costs as a hot bubble bath, but limiting it to 5 minutes allows you  to save water significantly.


Use natural cleaning products.

Thanks to a sustainable approach, the production of more nature-friendly cleaning products allows the use of much less water.

By dissolving a Bethru tablet in the bottle included in the pack, you consume a specific amount of it, without the need to produce another atomizer and packaging. What's more, traditional irritating detergents usually flush longer, in the case of more natural means you also have an impact on this saving.


Turn on only the full dishwasher.

Just washing in the dishwasher saves water at home. Depending on the model, it consumes an average of 7 to 13 liters of water. It is estimated that when washing by hand, we need it 8 times more. However, it is worth remembering to turn on the dishwasher only when it is full – this will reduce washing cycles, and thus the consumption of water and detergents. At Bethru, we are working to bring a natural dish washer tablet to our portfolio. If you want to know more, subscribe our newsletter.


Do not generate unnecessary plastic.

How can this help save water? Producing one plastic bottle consumes on average 3 times more water than its volume. We know this very well, which is why when you buy Bethru products, you buy a bottle only once, without generating additional plastic with each subsequent purchase, which is the case with standard cleaning products.


When cooking – check the amount of water.

When cooking pasta, rice or vegetables, pour as much pasta as you need – you can find tips on this on the packaging or on the Internet. For example, to cook 200 grams of pasta, 2 liters of water are enough, and not a whole pot. The same applies to groats or vegetables.


Do not cut the grass too short.

Are you lucky and you own a yard or garden with a lawn? If so, do not cut the grass too shortly. It is important to remember that growing greenery retains more water. You will not have to water it  so often. If possible,  keep this activity to a minimum as well. This is one of the very important elements of daily water saving


Collect rainwater.

If you have the opportunity, collect rainwater. Not only is this the perfect way to save water at home, but it's also great news for your plants. They definitely prefer rainwater water to tap water.


Dispose of food leftovers and tissues in suitable garbage cans.

There is no legitimate reason to throw tissues or food leftovers in the toilet. This is extremely unecological behavior. In addition to wasting 6 to 12 liters of water on one flushing of the toilet, pouring fats badly affects the sewer. So instead of throwing leftover food or wipes in the toilet, it's better to check how to segregate garbage and next time throw it into the appropriate container.


Check your plumbing.

The best way is to turn off all the valves and observe the meter. If, after a few hours after turning off, the reading changes, it is a sign that there is a leak in the installation. So before you start saving water, make sure you don't waste it through a leaky installation.


Buy devices with ECO mode.

When replacing a washing machine or dishwasher, pay attention to how much water it  consumes. The difference in the case of different modes and models can be really big. Ecological programs are definitely more adapted to saving water and energy, which will naturally translate not only into the environment, but also lower bills.


Use the services of steam washes.

If you have a car, think about using the services of a steam wash when washing it. A standard car wash cycle can consume up to 300 liters of water, while a steam car wash consumes a maximum of 7 liters. This is a considerable saving, even if it requires driving a slightly longer road. 


Save water, Bethru!



[1]  https://wszystkoconajwazniejsze.pl/prof-jurand-wojewoda-co-musimy-wiedziec-o-stanie-wod-w-polsce-i-na-swiecie/

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